NMG-4 Rail Switch Grinding Machine
NMG-4 Rail Switch Grinding Machine

The NMG-4 switch grinding machine is gesigned for shearing through grinding of all rail check rails in frogs and switch points,in any switching,crossing or standard track.The machine can work in all positions,it is easy to handle.A possible 30 °inclination of the grinding group from the verical,together with the poosible adjustments of the grindstone vertically and horizontally.

Main Specifications
  1. Power:Imported gasoline engine,4kW at 4000r/min
  2. grinding stone type:PDA 254×35×30,Rotate speed is 70m/s
  3. Rotate speed pf grinding head:4000r/min
  4. grinding movements:Inclination angle of 30°on either side of the vertical.
  5. Vertical travel:170mm
  6. Dimens inons:2940×725×1240mm
  7. Weight:96kg
  8. Application range:43~75kg/m rail

ADD : B4-3-1,29,West Huahuiyuan Rd.,Yubei,Chongqing,China
Post Code :401147
Tel : 86-23-6790 8775, 86-23-6790 8771
Fax : 86-23-67907249


ADD :C3-11-4# Jiazhou Garden,Yubei district,Chongqing,China    Post Code :401147
Tel :86-23-67629245 Fax :86-23-67629245    E-Mail: gaoweicq@126.com gaoweicq@hotmail.com
The company business license  ICP备案:渝ICP备18011123号-1