NZH-IV Type Inter-combustion Combine Machine


NZH-IV Type Inter-combustion Combine Machine

The dynmic of the machine is inter-combustion machine.It's power-driven mobility is very strong and it can work in the place where is no electricity.It is not very weight and operates easily.The soft axle and the single-machine,the soft axle and inter-combustion machine not only connect,and rotate steadily,but also operate easily.single-machine,more uses,quick connecting,high utilization rotio and small in vestment of equipment.It's application rang is 43~75kg/m rail.

Main Specifications

Porfile grinding

  1. Weight:96kg
  2. grinding stone type:N150×75×55,Rotate speed is 30m/s
  3. Rotate speed pf grinding head:2800r/min
  4. Dimensinons:2940×725×1240mm


  1. Rotate speed of main asle:2800r/min,
  2. Cutting disc:PB400×32×3.5,Rotate speed is 70m/s.
  3. cutting time:120~130s to cut 60 kg/m rail.
  4. quality of section:The perpendicular degree is not more than ±0.5mm,the surface is bright and neat and has no burn.
  5. Weight:34kg

  1. Power:175F diesel machine,46kg 4.4kw at 3000r/min
  2. Soft axle:ф50×3000(Cutting,drilling) ф36×6000(profile qrinding)
  3. Drilling:Rotate speed of main axle:180r/min,Taper of drill handle:No.4 morse,Main axle travel:72mm,Weight:27kg
  4. Hand grinding:Grinding stone type:P200×32×25,Rotate speed is 35m/s.

ADD : B4-3-1,29,West Huahuiyuan Rd.,Yubei,Chongqing,China
Post Code :401147
Tel : 86-23-6790 8775, 86-23-6790 8771
Fax : 86-23-67907249

ADD :C3-11-4# Jiazhou Garden,Yubei district,Chongqing,China    Post Code :401147
Tel :86-23-67629245 Fax :86-23-67629245    E-Mail:
The company business license  ICP备案:渝ICP备18011123号-1